Learn Reiki for Yourself and Others!

There are many different methods of energy healing work. One of those is known as Usui Reiki.

This practice involves channeling Rei Ki, or universal spirit life force energy, to facilitate a healing process. It can be used to help heal oneself, others, animals, plants and the Earth.

The technique was first developed by Mikau Usui in Japan and brought to the West by Hawayo Takata with the blessing of her teacher, one of Usui's Master Students, Chujiro Hayashi.

Reiki is particularly wonderful for learning how to sense into subtle energy fields. It is an excellent way to come into deeper connection with your own energy system and that of others, to learn how to clear the mind and become an open channel… While the basic principles of Reiki appear simple, becoming adept at allowing universal life force energy to flow through you without getting in your own way takes time and practice.

The Reiki 1 and 2 classes are each taught separately, with one 75 minute class taught live online weekly over a five week period. This method allows for space to practice between classes, to take the time you need to learn how it feels to become a clear channel for the energy - as well as the opportunity to come back to class the following week with any questions that come up. Students will receive attunements to open the energy channels and connect them with Reiki healing energy. There will be weekly exercises and all will be encouraged to spend the days in between classes practicing on themselves, their pets, fellow students, friends, and family…Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certification and be able to offer Reiki to yourself and others!

Please contact me at ringenergyhealing@gmail.com to be put on the waiting list for the next Reiki 1 or Reiki 2 class.

Classes are generally held on Tuesdays at 6pm Pacific Time Zone.