This method, developed by Eileen McKusick, involves specialized tuning forks being moved through the body’s “biofield”, the interacting field of energy and information within and around the physical body, which includes both the electrical current running through the body and the magnetic field surrounding it.

During a session, the recipient lies fully clothed on a massage table. As I activate the forks, I listen and feel for changes in tone, vibration, or resistance in the field around the body. The fork might suddenly ring much louder or go very quiet - making it clear to both me and my client that we have come across an area of dissonance. As I work in that area using various tuning fork frequencies, the dissonance resolves, the sound of the fork returns to its usual tone and the fork can be easily moved through the field. The completion of this process corresponds to an increased sense of relaxation and clarity for the client, a lightness of being.

Biofield tuning works off of the premise that the energy field around and within our bodies is connected to our subconscious and conscious minds, making it possible to address issues on a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual level by resolving areas of incoherence in that field. Long-held areas of tension can be resolved relatively quickly by working in this way, leading to a release of energetic entanglements affecting a person’s current life.

Please note that due to the significant effects of Biofield Tuning, there are contraindications, which include, but are not limited to:

Pregnancy, or trying to become pregnant

Pacemaker or defibrillator


Terminal illness

Be sure to inform me if you have these or any other concerning health issues prior to your treatment.


The beautiful multiharmonic sounds of the bowls target tensions in the system and provide the body with the information it needs to find balance and coherence. These sessions are extremely relaxing, often inducing a theta brainwave state - that cozy state just between dreaming and waking - a space in which inspiration and deep healing can occur. The soothing resonance of the bowls affects the body on a cellular level, as energetic blockages are addressed and healing frequencies can shine through. I am honored to use the method taught to me by Suren Shrestha of the Atma Buti school, a method developed based on his master’s teachings in Nepal.


I work with Paiste planetary gongs. Gongs work on a similar vibratory level as the singing bowls, allowing the body to be washed in powerful frequencies. The gongs have the ability to produce a whole spectrum of harmonics, which is particularly conducive to settling the body and quieting the mind. It is played in a gentle way to provide a continuous stream of sound vibration that penetrates both the mind and body, leading to the possibility of healing on all levels. The gong is wonderful at initiating the theta brainwave state so conducive to healing work. It can allow the individual to relax a busy mind without effort - to go within and discover what they need, whether on a conscious or subconscious level.