About Me

My name is Jess Ring and I live in Seattle, Wa, in the Central District close to Capitol Hill.

After spending many years in academia as a teacher and translator, I turned to energy work to heal myself from what had gradually become an incapacitating illness.

Connecting to this energetic level of health taught me what it means to heal at the mind, body, and soul level - to move from surviving to thriving! In the process, I fell in love with sound and energy healing and feel incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to facilitate healing sessions for others.

For my own personal development, I meditate daily and use vocal toning, breathwork, Qi Gong, nature spirituality practices, as well as various energy and sound healing modalities to continue my journey to a balanced state of being. 


Certified Biofield Tuning Practitioner
Reiki Master/Teacher
Level 3 Atma Buti Himalayan Singing Bowls Sound Healing Practitioner

Certified Gong Practitioner

Intuitive Energy Healer Training 
MA in Linguistics
BA in Language and Philosophy