What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing is based on the premise that the body has an energy system within and around the physical body. A practitioner engages with the energetic body in a variety of ways to assist in the flow and balance of its energetic systems in order to promote well-being on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level.

What is Sound Healing?

Sound healing acts on the principle of vibration. Science now tells us that all matter is made of vibrating molecules - even what you are sitting on now is imperceptibly vibrating - and so are you! By tuning into your body’s resonance, a sound healer can detect imbalances in your energy field. Using sound healing tools, such as tuning forks, gongs, and singing bowls, they can then help bring your field’s vibrations back into harmony as your body self tunes, matching the coherent tones of the instrument. This process helps release areas of dissonance that are holding your body in a state of dis-ease, thereby initiating a self-healing process. Studies now show that sound therapy can put your body into a parasympathetic state and release nitric oxide, which opens up blood vessels and regulates blood pressure. I am excited to see the increasing amount of serious research being conducted in this area!